CHUANGMEI Electrical Technology Co,Ltd is a large aquarium appliances manufacturer which gathersinnovation, development and production, such as heater, aquarium light, water and gas pumps, externalfilter and UV lamp with brand name PERIHA. Products are selling all over the world, Like USA, Canada, Australia, Italy, UK, Japan, Thailand, Philippines, Hong Kong, Taiwan, etc.
We share a good company culture that employees are strong sense of responsibility, high efficiency,unity and solidarity,which ensure best quality of product, and punctual delivery date even more toemergency order.Monthly skill testing for worker ensures the production process is under mosteffective and efficient condition.
Strict management system also help us with good control of product quality, start from finalizing thebest design after multi-testing, strictly checking purchased raw material by experienced quality checkerand precise equipment, supervising every steps during production,inspecting defect product afterevery process, final checking every unit before assemble into finished good, testing the whole productbefore packaging. Every step is strictly according the rules.
For innovation and development, the manager and engineers always have a meeting or conversation todiscuss any chance to create more advance products and how to improve the existing products frommanual-control to auto-control.Moreover we have a great after-sales-service to track any defectproducts, follow up complains quickly and report to manager, therefore improve buyer's satisfaction andimprove the stability of our products. Large number of advance mechanism like injection moldingmachines, CNC lathes, drilling and milling machines, GD laser making machines, etc are all invest into the factory.
In the future, our goals are innovate and develop more advance products to make our aquarium worldmore colorful, cheerful, charming and caring for customer.